address Kyiv, Ukraine
Услуги Адвоката

Advocate Services

Послуги Адвоката

Advocate Viktoriia Negoda is your assistant on many legal issues.

Specialization: Representing the interests of legal entities and individuals in criminal proceedings for economic crimes at the stage of pre-trial investigation and trial. Family, business, tax, administrative law.

Education: Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, M.Sc.

Experience: 8 years of law practice, since March 2018 - an advocate.

Advocate Viktoriia Negoda

Advocate Services Your question
for advocate

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Representation of the interests of legal persons in criminal proceedings Representation of the interests of legal persons in criminal proceedings
Attending and Representation of the interests in economic (contract) cases Attending and Representation of the interests in economic (contract) cases
Attending and Representation of the interests in civil cases

Attending and Representation of the interests in civil cases

Administrative and Judicial objection of State Tax Office

Administrative and Judicial objection of State Tax Office

Divorce process, recovery of maintenance, determination of residence of child, divine of marital property Divorce process, recovery of maintenance, divine of marital property
Denial of fatherhood, recognition of paternity Denial of fatherhood, recognition of paternity
Attending and Representation of the interests in administrative offense cases

Attending and Representation of the interests in administrative offense cases

Attending and representation of the interests in Road traffic accidents cases

Attending and representation of the interests in Road traffic accidents cases

Hereditary cases Hereditary cases
Recovery of debt Recovery of debt
Law assisting to foreigners

Law assisting to foreigners

Registration/entity of individuals and legal persons

Registration/entity of individuals and legal persons

In 2018, the courts of Ukraine issued more than 110,000 decisions on divorce, about 100,000 of which were satisfied. Almost 50,000 positive child support decisions. 7500 positive decisions on deprivation of parental rights.

The services of an advocate

in solving family issues have their own peculiarities, since each family case is unique.
The most important thing is to relieve the conflict, which in turn will help minimize the costs of both parties.
Given that conflicts in such cases are based on disagreements over the same important issue, such as divorce or child support, a competent advocate should become a psychologist and do everything possible to resolve the issue without a court case. proceedings.

However, if there is not find such a solution, the lawyer prepares the documents for the court and the following categories of cases:

divorce between citizens of Ukraine, between a citizen of Ukraine and a foreigner, between foreigners, if the marriage is concluded in Ukraine


granting the right to marriage to persons under the age of marriage


recovery of alimony, both in part from earnings and in a solid sum of money, recovery of debt on payment of alimony, recalculation of arrears of payment of alimony


providing maintenance to the spouse before reaching the child of 3 years


determining the child's place of residence


determining the order of participation in the upbringing and the rules of meetings with the other parent


the recognition or contestation of paternity, motherhood


separation of matrimonial property


deprivation of parental rights


granting permission to leave the child abroad

(both judicial and extrajudicial order).

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